Tuesday 23 February 2016

Today's Small Beauties

Ice blue sky and sunshine.

Warm sun and cold air on my skin both at once. I love that feeling!

A smiley baby waving at me from her pushchair.

Receiving the full force of Himself's badger healing; getting under my skin, digging into the places that I try so hard to hide, even from myself. Naturally I react with full defiance and almost entire resistance but it is a beauty nonetheless. It can be a beauty to be seen and broken open out of love.

Remembering to post a birthday card before someone's birthday; a fleeting moment of feeling virtuous.

Finding the collection of much loved objects that I gathered for the Crossbones vigil deeply pleasing; a goose feather, a sun goddess, the large piece of rose quartz given to me by Himself when we first met, white ribbons, my singing bowl, a tiny candle holder decorated with pink lace, Goddess cards and Rose of Heaven seeds, my skull blanket, and an 'old ladies' antimacassar. Just so, so pleasing in their simplicity and sacredness.

Needing to get to the vigil early to talk to someone and that being a reminder of the important of giving myself time to settle. I so rarely allow myself that. There have been several synchronistic reminders like that today, all flowing from Himself's words to me this morning. Feeling the deep connection and rightness of that.

The appearance of the Crossbones vigil cat; the most beautiful of beings and pleasingly strong and muscly to the touch. I love feeling the lithe wild life of a cat under its skin. A hunter I reckon and he made the altar at least 100% more special.

The most lovely of Crossbones vigils;

my favourite place on earth, my blessing, my joy.

feeling deeply supported in my wobbliness,

incense smoke curling around ivy leaves,

many lovely hugs,

Redcross Mary's shrine lit beautifully by candlelight,

sharing Little Love Sista Goddess cards and all calling out their names with much delight,

the tender gathering of Rose of Heaven seeds from a little brown envelope that reminded me of the one that my dad used to keep his runner bean seeds in. I used to spend ages looking at them; the shape, the colour, the smoothness of their skin. Beautiful. It all reminded me of him. Lovely how such a powerful feeling of my dad can be conjured up by one crinkled brown envelope. What spells of deep remembering are hidden inside us.

several people suggesting that they would try to infiltrate overly managed gardens with our wild Crossbones seeds!

the sound of my singing bowl ringing in the London night. And that I had forgotten my stick, so had to ding it with my lighter and that at Crossbones that is ok.

Not messing it up!

The brightest of just~after~full moons in a clear, cold sky.

And one more sleep until I am back on the sandstone hill by the sea.

Redcross Mary, December 2015


  1. Wonderfulness! Warm sunshine and cool air - yes, such a lovely feeling :-)

    1. Absolutely. I love the weather of the edge-seasons x


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