Tuesday 1 March 2016

Today's Small Beauties


Dozing to the radio; a favourite thing to do.

Listening to Pixi singing 'Solid Ground' over and over again and filling up on courage and wild magic. 

"We walk on solid ground, solid ground.

It's the land. It is our wisdom.
It is the land. It shines us through.
It's the land. It feeds our children.
It's the land. You cannot own the land. The land owns you." (Dougie MacLean)

This is officially being added to my 'list of songs that make me feel as though I can do anything'!

Cool, gentle rain on my face and a warm coffee cup in my hand.

Going into the Old Ladies' Card Shop when all the lights are still off and getting ready for the day. There is something pleasing about waking the shop up myself and feeling it come alive.

Sun shining on the Green after the rain; I love the way that the trees light up.

Tripping in the shop and sailing along behind the counter at a speed that no legs should be expected to go but not hurting myself. Thank you legs and unexpected co-ordination!

Breathing deeply and doing a Brave Thing, which I had already decided on and so tried to do without really thinking about it at all. It worked!

Feeling brave and committed to my own life and free and new and foolish in the best of ways.

Being referred to as "Brave Bridge Burning Bee'. Hoorah to that!

Rewarding myself for doing the Brave Thing by going to the tea shop and making myself warm and snug amongst the cushions; and I was given two stamps on my loyalty card, rather than just the one that I had earned. Subversive I thought!

Entrancing the cutest baby in the world.

Himself worrying about me and making sure that I am being mindful, which feels in the loveliest of ways like my mum sewing my name in my coat and making sure that I don't lose my mittens.

A second day of rummaging in my long-neglected wardrobe and finding completely forgotten clothes that I absolutely LOVE, but had stopped wearing out of stress and loss and sadness; feeling the person that I used to be when I wore them, and am becoming again, beginning to shine like a little torch.

Talking about Bone Woman.

My lovely local folk club where tonight much friendship was shared, many Welsh voices were heard and Welsh songs sung, much courage was gathered up and turned into beautiful performances, and where music matters. I never want to be anywhere where music doesn't matter. Life is too short!

Being invited to read a poem at the folk club on International Women's Day next Tuesday. I might even gather up my own courage and do that.

Two glasses of Green Ginger Wine. Yum!

Lego Frida Kahlo!!

Feeling excited, full of wonder, and yet quite, quite safe. I'm not sure that I have ever felt quite like that.

And rain beating on the window sending me gently into the dreamworld.

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