Monday 29 February 2016

Today's Small Beauties

The first blackthorn in bloom

Being woken by a phone call from Himself, who was up ridiculously early and full of determination and much vim!

A lovely offer from some good and treasured friends which makes me feel supported and that all will be well.

Leaving the house to what felt like the most beautiful early spring day. I remember writing when autumn was just beginning and then spending so much time trying to describe the beauty of the winter light. Writing it down, seeking out just the right words to convey the moment of beauty, makes the turning of the seasons so much more real somehow.

Having just enough cash to get a lovely cup of coffee from the teeny newsagents near here; yummy and good for warming my hands.

A wonderful encounter with one of the Woolwich starlings, who seem to be particularly cocky and confident. This one was sitting on the kerb right where buses stop every few seconds and so hundreds of feet are constantly moving. A boy of about twelve was fascinated by him, moving closer and closer, not quite believing that the starling wouldn't fly away. And yet he didn't. He stood there with his wings slightly out, as though challenging everyone, and then just walked along the kerb, hopped down into the road and walked on his delicate legs to the other side, all watched by the boy. It was lovely to witness that moment of wonder and intimacy, and the starling made me laugh.

Reading a beautiful and thought-provoking book on Celtic Christianity.

Spotting a little chaffinch in a thick and tangled hedge.

Strong times with the small people today. Using Amy-Rose, the Small Beauties Bee, and the Big Love Little Sista Goddess cards as inspiration to create our own powerful visions of ourselves. The Queen of Friendship and the Lioness of Courage have been born and shared far and wide and it was lovely to see them believing that they had something important to offer. Little Sistas helping their Big Sistas remember what it's all about.

Amy~Rose, the Small Beauties Bee

Whispers of spring; alder catkins and the first blackthorn blossoms.

Alder catkins
Blackthorn blossoms; like a string of fairylights
Blackthorn blossom

Coot feet.

A pair of Canada geese exploring the river bank in a slow and meandering way.


Re-redding my hair and the knowing that by the time I feel to do it again life will be very different.

Sharing of fear and vulnerability, and bravery and honesty. These are deep journeys of wounded places with fragile scars not quite healed and threatening to break open. Trust holds. Love heals.

Blackthorn flowers above the riverflow

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