
Monday 29 February 2016

Today's Small Beauties

The first blackthorn in bloom

Being woken by a phone call from Himself, who was up ridiculously early and full of determination and much vim!

A lovely offer from some good and treasured friends which makes me feel supported and that all will be well.

Leaving the house to what felt like the most beautiful early spring day. I remember writing when autumn was just beginning and then spending so much time trying to describe the beauty of the winter light. Writing it down, seeking out just the right words to convey the moment of beauty, makes the turning of the seasons so much more real somehow.

Having just enough cash to get a lovely cup of coffee from the teeny newsagents near here; yummy and good for warming my hands.

A wonderful encounter with one of the Woolwich starlings, who seem to be particularly cocky and confident. This one was sitting on the kerb right where buses stop every few seconds and so hundreds of feet are constantly moving. A boy of about twelve was fascinated by him, moving closer and closer, not quite believing that the starling wouldn't fly away. And yet he didn't. He stood there with his wings slightly out, as though challenging everyone, and then just walked along the kerb, hopped down into the road and walked on his delicate legs to the other side, all watched by the boy. It was lovely to witness that moment of wonder and intimacy, and the starling made me laugh.

Reading a beautiful and thought-provoking book on Celtic Christianity.

Spotting a little chaffinch in a thick and tangled hedge.

Strong times with the small people today. Using Amy-Rose, the Small Beauties Bee, and the Big Love Little Sista Goddess cards as inspiration to create our own powerful visions of ourselves. The Queen of Friendship and the Lioness of Courage have been born and shared far and wide and it was lovely to see them believing that they had something important to offer. Little Sistas helping their Big Sistas remember what it's all about.

Amy~Rose, the Small Beauties Bee

Whispers of spring; alder catkins and the first blackthorn blossoms.

Alder catkins
Blackthorn blossoms; like a string of fairylights
Blackthorn blossom

Coot feet.

A pair of Canada geese exploring the river bank in a slow and meandering way.


Re-redding my hair and the knowing that by the time I feel to do it again life will be very different.

Sharing of fear and vulnerability, and bravery and honesty. These are deep journeys of wounded places with fragile scars not quite healed and threatening to break open. Trust holds. Love heals.

Blackthorn flowers above the riverflow

Saturday 27 February 2016

Today's Small Beauties

Waking early to travel back to London, and so seeing one of those liquid gold sunrises that seems to pour wildfire across the sky and having the opportunity to give Himself a little kiss goodbye whilst he was still asleep and be answered with one of those cute little grumbly mutters that sleeping people do when they are disturbed. Very lovely and snug-like.

Early morning time with Stefi the Queen of Cats which involved biscuits, purring, and a race for the front door.

Hot chai on a cold railway station platform.

The loveliest, and most incongruous, conversation between two elderly rugby fans on the train who were discussing what they thought of 'Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe' (the book, not the film!) and 'Love in the Time of Cholera'. I found it all very affirming and lovely.

Travelling back to London through the early morning light across rivers and marshes; my favourite sort of landscape.

The peacefulness of sheep.

One of the small people I work with in school coming into the card shop and carrying on our conversation from a week ago almost without taking a breath. I loved how natural he was with me, and how unfazed at seeing me in a different environment.

A father bringing in his baby daughter and asking whether she could sit on the floor and draw a picture in the Mother's Day card he had just bought. I lent them some coloured pencils. And she smiled at me.

Another little girl coming into the shop and saying that she was buying a card for her brother who is one year old tomorrow and informing me that, "he is a monkey but I am Jessica." She isn't a monkey and I know that because I enquired.

Spring flowers looking beautiful and abundant on the Green.

A friend's reaction to the Little Sista Goddess cards and poem that I sent her. Hoorah!

That I have heard the sound of horses' hooves on earth twice today.

Some wondrous finds in the charity shop; including a wildly furry waistcoat and a beautiful 50s style velvet coat, which I might well wear on our wedding day. Tip top charity shop joyousness!

Writing up three tarot readings and feeling back in the swing and connected to What~Is.

Feeling proud of my friends who were able to go on the No 2 Trident march today and the lovely Annie posting a photo of someone with a knitted Jeremy Corbyn rucksack. We shall change the world through smiles and knitting!

The excitement of contemplating scary and brave life changes. So much to think about and be afraid of but, in the midst of that, so much innocence and hope.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Today's Small Beauties

Ice blue sky and sunshine.

Warm sun and cold air on my skin both at once. I love that feeling!

A smiley baby waving at me from her pushchair.

Receiving the full force of Himself's badger healing; getting under my skin, digging into the places that I try so hard to hide, even from myself. Naturally I react with full defiance and almost entire resistance but it is a beauty nonetheless. It can be a beauty to be seen and broken open out of love.

Remembering to post a birthday card before someone's birthday; a fleeting moment of feeling virtuous.

Finding the collection of much loved objects that I gathered for the Crossbones vigil deeply pleasing; a goose feather, a sun goddess, the large piece of rose quartz given to me by Himself when we first met, white ribbons, my singing bowl, a tiny candle holder decorated with pink lace, Goddess cards and Rose of Heaven seeds, my skull blanket, and an 'old ladies' antimacassar. Just so, so pleasing in their simplicity and sacredness.

Needing to get to the vigil early to talk to someone and that being a reminder of the important of giving myself time to settle. I so rarely allow myself that. There have been several synchronistic reminders like that today, all flowing from Himself's words to me this morning. Feeling the deep connection and rightness of that.

The appearance of the Crossbones vigil cat; the most beautiful of beings and pleasingly strong and muscly to the touch. I love feeling the lithe wild life of a cat under its skin. A hunter I reckon and he made the altar at least 100% more special.

The most lovely of Crossbones vigils;

my favourite place on earth, my blessing, my joy.

feeling deeply supported in my wobbliness,

incense smoke curling around ivy leaves,

many lovely hugs,

Redcross Mary's shrine lit beautifully by candlelight,

sharing Little Love Sista Goddess cards and all calling out their names with much delight,

the tender gathering of Rose of Heaven seeds from a little brown envelope that reminded me of the one that my dad used to keep his runner bean seeds in. I used to spend ages looking at them; the shape, the colour, the smoothness of their skin. Beautiful. It all reminded me of him. Lovely how such a powerful feeling of my dad can be conjured up by one crinkled brown envelope. What spells of deep remembering are hidden inside us.

several people suggesting that they would try to infiltrate overly managed gardens with our wild Crossbones seeds!

the sound of my singing bowl ringing in the London night. And that I had forgotten my stick, so had to ding it with my lighter and that at Crossbones that is ok.

Not messing it up!

The brightest of just~after~full moons in a clear, cold sky.

And one more sleep until I am back on the sandstone hill by the sea.

Redcross Mary, December 2015

Monday 22 February 2016

Today's Small Beauties

Time for a long and lovely dreaming hot bath.

A kind bus driver making sure that a man who got on the bus in a wheelchair felt safe and looked after.

'Hips Don't Lie' by Shakira being played across the school playground.

Planting Hollyhock seeds with a small person; she swore that she could see/feel roots growing after less than five minutes! And how I 'just happened' to have Hollyhock seeds in my bag.

Worm rescuing and emergency worm first aid.

Tiny children playing 'doctors and nurses', with little stethoscopes and nurses' uniforms. Proper.

A whole class of tiny people planting seeds; it was clearly the day for it.

How the Big Love Little Sista Goddess cards that I was gifted at the weekend caused smiles, excitement, wonder, and the beginnings of never~before~spoken stories when I shared them with my clients today.

Buses coming at exactly the moment that I needed them.

The loveliest, happiest, brightest wave from a lady when I thanked her for stopping her car for me at a crossing.

Watching Nick Frost in clips from 'Cuban Fury'. Happy-making and inspiring. Love him!

And the sharing of vulnerability and the allowing of alrightness on full moon night.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Today's Small Beauties

Sleep, sleep, and more sleep.

Thinking that it was a dark and dusky day and then having an occasional burst of sunlight shining through the window.

The glimmer of an invitation to run a workshop on grief later in the year.

Watching an Irish documentary on 'Brighid: Goddess and Saint'; wonderful to hear it all spoken in Gaelic, appreciating the invitation to pay attention that subtitles bring, loving the beautifully poetic nature of Irish thought, finding layers within layers of understanding and deep memory, and particularly loving the comment that she was, and is, 'the solar deity of the Christian hearth'.

Learning the heath blessing that women would say until very recently in Ireland when they banked the fire; "I bank down this fire as noble Christ did, Mary on top of the house, Brighid in its centre".

Beautiful Chorus, one of my favourite groups, offering a free album of herb-related songs for download. I love the generosity and joy of their spirit.

And the resplendent, joyous sound of birdsong in the dark.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Today's Small Beauties

The magic boa of gorgeousness and twinkly purple glitter, all provided by Clare Campbell

Falling asleep to 'Wildbrain', a nature quiz from 1997 on Radio 4. I learned loads of amazing things, particularly about ramsons and horsetails. And all the contestants are referred to as 'Mr' and 'Miss' in a very R4 sort of a way. Blissful.

Having an early morning bath at just the right moment to have the sunlight beautifully lighting the water and shining on my face.

Tiny blue tits bombing across the garden in their little helter skelter flight.

An invitation to lead a workshop in beautiful Wales in the dreaming summer! Very happy, pleased to have been asked, and looking forward to what stirs in that pot.

Having an opportunity to spend a day in the lovely Forum community venue in Greenwich. It soothes me somehow just knowing that it's there.

My first proper Clare Campbell hug in ages and my first opportunity to attend one of her workshops in years. Such a blessing!

Experiencing Clare's giant magic boa for the first time; like a soft nest made out of gorgeousness.

The joy of purple glitter.

Weaving connections with sisters; some who I knew already; deepening the connection, some previously only known online, and some completely new. All lovely.

Journeying deeply with La Loba, Bone Woman, The Gatherer, and reminding ourselves how to sing over our bones.

Clare's Little Sista Goddess cards, a pack of which I have gathered up to be given to the children I work with. I hear that there is a Ferret Goddess. I might have to keep her!

The most delicious shared lunch, much of which was homemade with such deep care and love for women not yet known. It humbles me to receive what women make in our kitchen altars.

Receiving generosity, allowing vulnerability, speaking truth, witnessing.

More hugs, sweet goodbyes, and emerging from the building into soft and cooling rain.

Hearing Himself's voice for the first time in the day and hearing about his own deep journeys.

Coming home and watching the little films about the Big Love My Brother project; such important work but mainly it just made me feel so happy and warm that my toes curled up and my nose wrinkled. Bless our beautiful, brave men and boys.

A scattering of tiny crocuses on the Green in the dark; looking like a star-filled sky fallen to earth.

Discovering that the first of this year's heron chicks have hatched in Regent's Park.

Being asked by an American friend to explain what Pooh Sticks is. What a joyous task!

And an evening of doing nothing but curling up safe within the cave of my body and letting all that has unfolded today settle as it may.

Friday 19 February 2016

Several Days of Small Beauties

Dreaming of owl healing.

Waking to soft grey clouds and gentle rain.

A wood pigeon and a starling seemingly in deep conversation on top of the bird feeder; no doubt discussing why their birdseed had not yet manifested!

'VoleFacts' on Twitter. Today's favourites were "The Druids believed voles had magical powers, presumably after being told so by a vole whilst under the influence of some magical mushrooms." and "Voles often cheat at Pooh-sticks." Imagine!

Next door's teenage brindle cat, Maisie, ineffectually pigeon hunting. She has no chance!

Two doves feeding peacefully side by side.

Watching sunlight move across the garden.

Going to sleep resting my head on Stefi, Queen of Cat's tail; she was determined not to relinquish control of the pillow. Also, having Stefi sleeping on my lap (a very new phenomenon) and doing one of those amazingly long stretches that cats sometimes do. I love that she is so relaxed with me now. A true compliment.

The chattering of starlings and the return of a lovely pair of jackdaws, who I hadn't seen for ages. The sheen on their feathers in the sun was astonishing in its loveliness.

Paying deep attention to the rhythm of our days and letting them unfold as they choose.

Himself's care and consideration for the birds he feeds in his garden.

Wild, bright, star-filled skies and a high moon.

The moment in the supermarket when a man looked angry and irritated but then decided to smile instead. It was touching to witness that moment of melting.

Himself buying two lots of fruit in the supermarket and insisting that I bring fruit supplies back to London.

Tender, warm, and funny goodbyes at the train station and knowing that the goodbye won't be for long.

Nigel, the guard on my train tonight. He kindly accepted me not showing him my ticket when he asked because I had just eaten a juicy orange and my fingers were too sticky to delve into my bag, he smiled at everyone, and he made a very sweet, funny, friendly, and informative announcement over the speaker. Much love for Nigel.

Soft rain like a kiss.

Finding a secondhand book that I ordered ages ago from the US had arrived when I got home...'Wise Child' by Monica Furlong. I have read the first few pages already and it is stunningly beautiful in its description of the land and the people who love it and call magic from its bones. And it was lovely coming home to a parcel.

Making brave plans and courageous changes and sharing the vulnerability that rises from both.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Today's Small Beauties

Waking to wide clear blue sky, sunshine, and birdsong.

The green tinge of new life waiting to burst into being surrounding the rowan tree; an aura of spring.

Himself drumming me into the day.

Tea drinking and conspiring; we have an 'aura of spring' too!

That it was warm and bright enough this morning to sit with the door open for a little while.

Some quiet hours to work in with a cat sleeping deeply nearby; sweet peace.

Discovering the concept of being 'coot conscious', which is about limiting computer time. Hoorah to that. It reminded me of my time living on the boat when I saw how fierce coots can be in protecting their territory.

By Tony Hisgett from Birmingham, UK (Coots 1c Uploaded by Magnus Manske) [CC BY 2.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons

Asking for help.

A cold, dark night with high, bright still-winter stars.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Today's Small Beauties

The most beautiful birdsong in the night.

Weather that sung quietly of spring to come ~ sun and rain and rain and sun.

That it was still light at 5pm. I love the feeling of the turning of the year that comes with the growing light...and the deepening dark in the autumn too.

Listening to Imbolc songs and weaving tarot readings for lovely people. Feeling deeply connected to She~Who~Is and to the threads of life...and finding that most Imbolc tarot readings seem to say 'don't get ahead of yourself!'. Wise words I think, and just what Himself said to me the other day. It is very easy to get over-excited at Imbolc!

Two beautiful affirmations about tarot readings already shared. Does my wobbly heart good.

Maybe seeing a fox out of the corner of my eye.

My lovely local folk club, which I have only visited twice but have come to love; wonderful, warm people, so supportive of one other, and such talented musicians. I was transported, moved to tears, lit up like a candle. Just wonderful. Music has the power to move the world and it is a blessing to hear it sung live with all the vulnerability and courage that that entails.

My friend Jo being wonderful as the main act tonight. I was so proud of her!

That when a song is sung into being in the air around me, in the space between, I have come to experience it as a creature newly born and moving in the room ~ this has happened ever since I started going to singing lessons and heard my own voice properly, for the first time perhaps. It is a magical feeling to know that a song is alive.

The cold, cold night air. Exhilarating!

Getting a lift home, which was both kind and snug.

Touching the vulnerability in another and staying true; when the weather is wild find the Bear Mother in the cave of your belly and wait it out with her until peace is restored, be as strong and as constant as the land. I am good at constancy. I like that in myself.

Image: Lisa Rough of  Sacred Circle Creative Life